![]() Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
UlrichsbergUlrichsberg Mountain, Carinthia, 1,015 m, isolated mountain at the western edge of the Zollfeld plain, north of Klagenfurt; documented mention as Mons Carantanus in the Middle Ages, as "Kernberg" ("Carinthian Mountain") in 1485. Scattered prehistoric finds. The summit was probably the site of a temple (1st century A.D.) of Isis-Noreia. Location of extensive hilltop settlement with early Christian church during Late Antiquity (5th /6th century); destroyed by Slavs around 600. Finds: remains of antique temple, early Christian church and late Roman buildings; statuette of Apollo (today in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna), inscription dedicated to Isis-Noreia in the ruins of the medieval church; small finds in the Carinthian provincial museum in Klagenfurt. Ulrichsberg Mountain is one of the stations of the Vierberge-Wallfahrt (Four-Mountain Pilgrimage). Literature: H. Kerschbaum, Der Ulrichsberg, 1934; R. Egger, Der Ulrichsberg, 1949; H. Gerndt, Vierbergelauf, 1973.