Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Suess, Eduard© Copyright Eduard Suess. Lithograph, around 1900. Suess, Eduard, b. London (United Kingdom), Aug. 20, 1831, d. Vienna, April 26, 1914, geologist and politician; father of Franz Eduard Sueß. Studied in Vienna and Prague, 1852-1862 curator of the Imperial Cabinet of Minerals in Vienna, from 1857 Professor of Geology and Palaeontology at the University of Vienna, 1863 member of the Vienna City Council. Supervised the construction of Vienna's first water supply pipeline and the regulation of the River Danube. 1870 became a member of the Landtag of Lower Austria, 1870-1872 member of the Lower House of Parliament. Outstanding achievements in the field of geology and pioneer of the "crustal uplift theory". 1898-1911 President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Publications: Der Boden der Stadt Wien, 1862; Die Entstehung der Alpen, 1875; Das Antlitz der Erde, 3 vols., 1883-1909; Erinnerungen, 1916. Literature: C. Diener, E. S. in: Mitteilungen der Geolog. Ges. Wien 7, 1914; A. Tollmann and E. Kristan-Tollmann (eds.), E. S. - Forscher und Politiker, 1981; T. Cernajsek, "... hat durch bed. Leistungen ... das Wohl der Gem. mächtig gefördert." E. S. und die Entwicklung Wiens zur modernen Großstadt, 1999. References to other albums: