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Isaac, HeinrichIsaac, Heinrich, b. Flanders, around 1450, d. Florence (Italy), March 26, 1517, Flemish composer, around 1484 in service with the Medici in Florence, from 1497 court composer to Maximilian I. (but frequently visited Florence and other courts). In 1510 the Emperor granted him land near Verona. I. is one of the most important representatives of the highly artistic vocal polyphony of the Dutch school; one of his most important works is the cycle of Propers, "Choralis Constantinus"; of equal artistic value are his Masses and his contribution to German "Tenorlieder" (songs with the tune in the tenor e.g. "Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen"). Works: Choralis Constantinus, 3 vols., 1550-1555; 36 masses, about 100 sacral motets, tenor songs. - Edition: H. I. Opera omnia, ed. by E. R. Lerner, 1974ff. Literature: W. Salmen (ed.), H. I. und P. Hofhaimer im Umfeld von Kaiser Maximilian I., 1997. References to other albums: